Peacemakers Confessing Christ International (PCCI) is a network of partners from many nations with a particular focus on Christian-Muslim relationships.
PCCI was originally conceived during a prayer meeting in 2013, when the idea came to create a network of persons who had been shaped in some way by the itinerant ministry of David and Grace Shenk.
The network was birthed at a small gathering of ten persons in Bonn, Germany, where it was decided to create a monthly prayer letter. Praying and sharing prayer requests remains a core element of PCCI.
While the network is young, its members span the globe. The network‘s members‘ cumulative experience and insight add up to more than a century of respectful, trust-building relationships. Their joyful experience of the indwelling transforming work of Jesus motivates them to engage in peacemaking, and the biblical mandate to love God and one’s neighbour.
A 2019 consultation in Bishuftu, Ethiopia, included many new partners, a significant sharing of resources and mutual equipping. PCCI partners affirm the statement, Shared Convictions affirmed by global Anabaptists. PCCI is a peer network and is guided by a three-person leadership team, appointed by the partners.
The current leadership team (Andres Prins, Patrick Obonde, and Jonathan Bornman) is appointed to serve the network through 2021.